Thursday, January 7, 2010

New semseter

Well. It's a new semester. and that classes.
This semester more than half of my classes are for my major.
I'm taking two marriage and family classes and one class on home and family.
My other two classes are the second half D&C and Human Development.
and if you've been keeping track...yes i've already taken Human Development, but...i'm taking it over cuz i didn't do so well in it last time.

So far classes are amazing.
The only problem i have is i can't really keep all of my classes straight. I'm currently reading out of 4 marriage books for my marriage classes and when i go to class i can't remember which information is for which class. i'll have to figure out a good way to keep it separated. haha.

Anyway, i've also started another new thing this semester. My LDS marriage and family professor requires us to keep a journal of things that we learn every day. I think this is a great idea, so i actually bought a few little journals and i'm going to be taking notes of good quotes and things i get from each of my marriage classes. It really helps me to be able to focus on what i'm reading when i'm looking for things to write. So last night i had a ton of reading, and here are a few quotes that i got.

"Please remember one thing. If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, nothing can go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the savior and his teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right."
-Howard W. Hunter

"Sometimes to be tested and proved requires that we be temporarily deprived-but righteous women and men will one day receive all- think of it...all that our father has! it is not only worth waiting for; it is worth living for!"
-Pres. Kimball

"of course we cannot know the meaning of all things right now. but we can know, right now, that God knows us & loves us individually"
Elder Maxwell

That is all. I have to go to class now.



Lisa said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing those quote KT Love you!

Ali said...

I took a Marriage and Family class last semester and it was AMAZING! It gave you the Christian view on Marriage and Family. By far the best class i've ever taken in college! Enjoy it, i'm sure you will! :)

Cindy Jensen said...

love it and you