Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things I would like to do this summer...

*Spend time with my family :)
*Get a good job (and SAVE SAVE SAVE!)
*Read TONS of books (I'm talking like one every 2 weeks at least)
*Get caught up on all the movies I've missed out on while in Provo
*Go to the beach at least 5 times
*Go camping at least 2 or 3 times
*Finish this round of the BOM
*Sew something (I'm taking a sewing class next semester! YAY)
*Get some good music on Itunes
*Go to San Fran
*Go to a taping of The Sing Off: Season 2 in SoCal
*Eat lots of Round Table, Chipotle, and In-n-Out (i know they moved in-n-out here but it's just not the same)
*Get less attached to Facebook because I'll have more important things to do like be social and work :)
*Get some running shoes and USE THEM to get in shape!

Yep there's tons more I'm sure but this is it so far. I'm So excited to go home and I'm SO excited to be with my family and friends from back home. I've missed them.

1 comment:

Sam! said...

I think i can help out with most of these things