Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Katie is going to be a better student now...

So after a few tests that haven't gone so well, and many stressful days...I've decided to be a better student. My days have been so packed i haven't found any time to do what i really need to, which is study...I think I've just been making the excuse that i have no time...and yeah, i am SUPER busy, but i do have a little time every day that i can spend studying instead of taking a 30 min nap, or sitting on facebook, or blogger...(oops).
So basically...i'm going to try really hard to focus now, and to go to EVERY class EVERY day, and to find time to study for tests not just the night before, but at least a few days before. College definitely isn't the same as high school...where I could take a test and Ace it without ever studying...So now's the time for me to learn HOW to study and how much to study. I need to plan out my days in advance...every minute...that way i don't lose track of what i need to be doing. and that is what i'm going to do.
I think this next week is going to be REALLY hard with the noteworthy show coming up so fast. It's been so crazy trying to balance that with school because we are learning at such a fast pace, but i'm going to try and fit it all together...hopefully i have a little time to enjoy life too...maybe i can schedule that into my list too...from 12 - 12:05 everyday...."enjoy life time" haha. No i think i can find more time to relax...i just need to figure out how to get everything else done too.
Anyway that is all. I should go do some hmwk now...



aunt dyanne said...

Welcome to life darling! The tighter the schedule and the busier you are means the more dynamic and talented you are. Just remember that balance is good! Do enough - not over enough, cuz that is when your health and well being becomes compromised. You contribute so much to the lives of others and have so much to give, but if you spread yourself too thin - then it all falls apart. Hang in there kiddo - you can fit it all in...just remember YOU are the most important thing and need to be at the top of the list...if you fill your own cup FIRST thing (do something for you...) there will be plenty of time for everything and everyone else in your day...if you wait to fill your cup LAST - you will run out of time and energy before you get to yourself...just words of wisdom from the experienced....haha sigh...i'm tired....:^)

Cindy Jensen said...

Yeah, I knew you would get it figured out cuz you are a pretty amazing girl. Also, I would recommend ready Cecily's blog about how to get an A in college. I beleive it will help you and has lots of good information. I so wish I could come to your show! It is killing me that I can't be there. You guys are gonna rock! Love you