Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I WOULD be the one to get bronchitis.

AH i have bronchitis.
and it's the day of my show.
this is not good.
i woke up today not being able to breathe...and sounding like a smoker.
let's all just pray that it gets better by 7 tonight.
i got a blessing last night from my FHE it'll be okay.
and i'm going to the doctor in a little bit.
hopefully they can do something to clear me out.
because i have a solo tonight too...
i just hope it goes alright tonight. AHH

i seem to always be getting sick before big shows.
last time i had a big show i was having a kidney stone haha.
just my luck i guess.


oh and p.s. YAY FOR PROP 8 PASSING :)

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