Monday, October 4, 2010

I worry too much.

Do you ever find yourself alone for a little too long? And you start thinking about life and where it is or isn't going? I find myself in that situation a little too often.

I'm in this place right now where life seems to be hitting me in the face.

I'm potentially really close to being done with school in a major that really will only help me to become a mother (and that probably won't occur for quite some time) meaning i'll need a job when i finish school most likely, and my major won't help with that.

I'm wanting to go on a mission...but I can't seem to find a sure answer of whether or not I really should go. I am never good at decision making. Well that's not true. I know i really want to go, and really should go, but i still keep feeling doubts. My mission prep professor said today that "God does not answer questions with feelings of doubt or fear". Meaning these doubts and fears i am feeling are coming from one person: Satan. I know that a mission would be so great and that I could help so many people, but still i can't get these doubts out of my head!

I just hate these in betweens. I have so many decisions to make that will ultimately affect my entire life. It's scary when you think about it, and really exciting at the same time. I'm so excited for the future, i'm just ready for some of those decisions to be made...and Satan stop trying to stop me from making good ones by giving me all these doubts! Thanks.

Haha. That is all about that subject.

Anyway, last weekend was great.

Friends were here.
Conference was great.
I got to go to one session.
Tucanos on saturday.
New book about sister missionaries.
Cassie's birthday party.
More Conference.
More friends.

Life is beautiful.
Don't let your worries consume you...Everything will be okay. Patience!!


Cindy Jensen said...

Yes, everything will be okay. I am excited for the future. . .you will be an amazing missionary. Love you!

Ashlie Purcell said...

Hang in there the answer will come :) ps miss you

Meg and Joe said...

You know, I fasted and prayed for 9 months (9 WHOLE MONTHS!!) until I got my answer. The answer I got was, that if I had a desire and testimony, the Lord would support me, but that the decision was mine. I never felt more doubt in my life than when I was trying to decide on if I should serve a mission or not. Satan works really hard to prevent good missionaries from going out there. They are a threat to him. But keep doing what you are doing and the Lord will give you peace. I can tell you that you will NEVER EVER regret going on a mission. And if you do decide to go, it will be one of the biggest blessings in your life. Like President Hinckley once said, I feel like every good thing in my life I can trace back to my mission. My education, marriage, talents have all been blessed because of it. It was the best decision I have ever made. Sorry I've written so much, its just I have been there and so I can relate. You will be an EXCELLENT missionary!!

Tom & Katie Hall said...

Thank you so much all of you. And thank you Megan! That really helps a lot to hear that. And you definitely didn't write too much. It makes me feel so much better reading that. You are amazing. :)

Yasmin Ito said...

Ok, so..First, I should introduce myself.My name is Yasmin, I'm brazilian,I live in Japan and my english skills are no so good. --'
Well, I read your blog for a while now, it helps me improve my skills.
I must say that I am a great fan of yours, and of Noteworthy, I saw the show 'The Sing off'!

Well,I'm not religious, but after I got to know your acapella group, I started to study re about the LDS church, and from what I understood, it is realy important that every young men and women should serve a mission.
I think it is normal to get 'cold feet' sometimes, it's life, and we have to get through this...I remember that I read here, that you don't feel comfortable talking to strangers...A good way to get over our fears is to face them..

Well, I wrote to much, I hope you read it though..

Hope you make the best decision.