Thursday, September 11, 2008


should go take a look at
because i'm officially on it!
under "The Group" I'm So excited!
the first rehearsal i wasn't sure how i was feeling about it.
just because i couldn't get my part.
but this time we pretty much learned two songs.
it was amazing. and then we watched the old girls perform a few songs.
i am SO excited. i feel so blessed to be able to say i'm a part of noteworthy!
seriously, it's so amazing and i love it...i feel like i already have a bond with all of these girls
that i hardly know.
it's a good feeling.

today has been a pretty good day.
i slept in...skipped my first class...oops.
my head was about to explode.
but no worries. we were learning about something that i read last year in english.
so i didn't miss much.
then i went to BOM & Living Prophets.
i ABSOLUTELY LOVE living prophets. if anyone ever has the chance to take it.
you should. it's a good one.
anyway. then i came home and ate.
and then went to work.
and i was sitting there doing dishes...when my supervisor comes back and calls me up to the front of the restaurant. i thought i was just needed to scoop ice cream or something.
but i walked out and i saw Michael and Adam sitting at the bar!!!!
i was SO excited! they weren't supposed to come until tomorrow.
so i was TOTALLY surprised.
i haven't seen them for like 4 months now.
i seriously almost cried...i didn't realize how much i'd missed them.
anyway then i finished working and went to NW.
which i already wrote about...
so that's basically my wonderful day!
tomorrow should be good too.
because i'm hanging out with michael and adam all day.
and i'm making soup, salad, and muffins in my food prep class.
that should be fun!

but now i'm off to finish up some hmwk.


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